Larry J.
Darrington, WA.
Job: Wood Mill
Job Noise: Cut-off saw, trimmers, Sanders, edgers etc.
Hearing Loss Benefits: Hearing aids, batteries, and repairs for life, as needed.
"Our lives have changed for the better, God Bless you!"
Handwritten Thanks...
Albert H.
Olympia, WA.
Job: Ironworker
Job Noise: Cranes, Pneumatic tools, Generators, Compressors etc.
Hearing Loss Benefits: $18,300, plus hearing aids, batteries, and repairs for life, as needed.
Art G.
Anacortes, WA.
Job: Plywood Mill
Job Noise: Sanders, edgers, forklifts, patching machine, etc.
Hearing Loss Benefits: $18,921 plus hearing aids, batteries, and repairs for life, as needed.
Jerry C.
Omak, WA.
Job: Lumber Mill
Job Noise: Cut-off saw, trimmers, clippers, hog, planers, etc.
Hearing Loss Benefits: $46,000, plus Hearing aids, batteries, and repairs for life, as needed.
"It took approximately 1 year for my claim to be approved. After
receiving the huge compensation award and my hearing aids, I was glad I
went through the process!"
Leo O.
Edgewood, WA.
Job: Communications - meteorological technician
Job Noise: Jet engines and other aircraft, etc.
Hearing Loss Benefits: $8,500 plus hearing aids, batteries, and repairs for life, as needed.
"It took just a few short months and I received these great benefits!"
Pete T.
Anacortes, WA.
Job: Security Guard for Construction Co.
Job Noise: Sandblasting, heavy equipment, etc.
Hearing Loss Benefits: $18,700, plus hearing aids, batteries, and repairs for life, as needed.
"I couldn't have done it without the help of the 'Federal Certified Hearing Center".
Rueben L.
Bellingham, WA.
Job: Carpenter
Job Noise: Routers, mold machines, power tools, jackhammers, generators, compressors, etc.
Hearing Loss Benefits: $57,000, plus hearing aids, batteries, and repairs for life, as needed.
"I am very thankful for the help I received from the 'Federal Certified
Hearing Center' in filling out my paper work for the completion of my
Roger A.
Mt. Vernon, WA
Job: Logger, Carpenter
Job Noise: Power saw, yarder, loader, whistles, power tools, etc.
Hearing Loss Benefits: $9,000, plus hearing aids, batteries, and repairs for life, as needed.
Tom T.
DesMoines, WA
Job: County Water District Maintenance
Job Noise: Jackhammers, Pumps, Generators, Compressors, etc.
Hearing Loss Benefits: $7,000, plus hearing aids, batteries, and repairs for life, as needed.
was very skeptical of anyone saying that there could be cash given to
me and my hearing aids paid for. But, 6 months after filing my claim, I
received a $7,000 check! I am now wearing my second pair of hearing aids
also provided through my industrial insurance!"
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